miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011


When I first came across with Chaos Theory I was thrilled to see that such phenomenon existed and how much of our daily lives contains it. Chaos Theory is applied to disorganized systems and is about finding the underlying order in apparently random data. One cannot predict random behavior and the patterns will always differ from each other, however, in chaos there will come a time in which the set and number of patterns we are dealling with will find some sort of order and this happens spontaneously never losing the ability of turning chaotic once more. 

It is basically formulas that repeat themselves and can be expressed in graphs, creating bifurcations, these bifurcations constitute the rates of different results (uniformity or chaos) and they actually come at a constant rate.  It seems that nature operates in a mathematical way, for example: blood vessel branches, the internal structure of the lungs etc it all seems to be part of a greater design. 

Can we apply Chaos Theory to predict Human Behavior ? 
We are somewhat walking systems, biological, chemical and neurological activity is constantly taking place within us. For fuck sakes, we are mostly composed by water and oxygen in a clever interplay with other elements such as phosphorus, calcium , carbon etc. 

So what makes us so goddamn special anyway? That is I believe, the power to Free Will, societies and the chore of our nature hold a double discourse , on one side everything seems to be predetermined, we live under Newtonian notions of cause-effect and amplify axiomatic facts such as gravitational law to almost everything we can think of. Yet, on the other side , nature works in infinite ways that never remain static but dynamic and they always cause a change. 

I think Chaos Theory is the scientific encarnation of Free Will , the second evolution amongst humans, how I viewl it , will probably deal more with reaching a higher state of self through knowledge and enriching values rather than deal with evolutionary biological processes. 

The time for collectivity is expiring giving space for individuality, and dont get me wrong by individuality as something pertaining negative connotations, all the contrary , I´m talking about the total expansion of the self in order to truly establish fulfilling bonds with one another and somewhat transcend our existance through these connections. 

The realm of cause-effect or stimulus-response  MUST perish since it deals in generalities and can therefore, predict general outcomes,  most of the time, however, art- the life choice and reality of the individual soul , trancends science.

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